Click me - Copy to clipboard
You can use the html code tag to automatically copy the content within, while clicked.
You can Add the data “data-code” and the item will become clickable and copy the content within the data.
If the data is empty, the text in the data will be copied.
<div class="js--toggle-content">
<button class="btn js--toggle-click">Toggle content<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xml:space="preserve" style="enable-background:new 0 0 1603 652" viewBox="0 0 1603 652"><path d="M801 652c-19.6 0-39.1-5.5-56.3-16.4l-696-442c-49-31.1-63.4-96-32.3-144.9 31.1-49 96-63.4 144.9-32.3l639.8 406.3 640.7-406.3c49-31.1 113.8-16.5 144.9 32.4 31.1 49 16.5 113.8-32.4 144.9l-697 442C840.1 646.6 820.5 652 801 652z"/></svg></button>
<p class="js--toggle">Here is a superb paragraph to toggle.</p>
Here is a superb paragraph to toggle.
Adding the class ‘js–toggle-click’, the element will become clickable, will try to find the parent class ‘js–toggle-content’ and then look for the class or id passed as parameter within the ‘data-toggle’. The class ‘js–toggle-active’ will be added on the clickable element when toggled.
<div class="js--toggle-content">
<button class="btn js--toggle-click js--toggle-active">Toggle content<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xml:space="preserve" style="enable-background:new 0 0 1603 652" viewBox="0 0 1603 652"><path d="M801 652c-19.6 0-39.1-5.5-56.3-16.4l-696-442c-49-31.1-63.4-96-32.3-144.9 31.1-49 96-63.4 144.9-32.3l639.8 406.3 640.7-406.3c49-31.1 113.8-16.5 144.9 32.4 31.1 49 16.5 113.8-32.4 144.9l-697 442C840.1 646.6 820.5 652 801 652z"/></svg></button>
<p class="js--toggle js--toggle-active">Here is a superb paragraph to toggle.</p>
Here is a superb paragraph to toggle.
By adding the class ‘js–toggle-active’ on the clickable element and the toggle element, it will be visible by default.
<button class="btn js--toggle-click" data-toggle=".class-to-toggle">Toggle content<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xml:space="preserve" style="enable-background:new 0 0 1603 652" viewBox="0 0 1603 652"><path d="M801 652c-19.6 0-39.1-5.5-56.3-16.4l-696-442c-49-31.1-63.4-96-32.3-144.9 31.1-49 96-63.4 144.9-32.3l639.8 406.3 640.7-406.3c49-31.1 113.8-16.5 144.9 32.4 31.1 49 16.5 113.8-32.4 144.9l-697 442C840.1 646.6 820.5 652 801 652z"/></svg></button>
<p class="class-to-toggle hidden">Here is a superb paragraph to toggle.</p>
Here is a superb paragraph to toggle.
By adding the ‘data-toggle’ with the class/id to find, it will try to find this target anywhere within the DOM and toggle it. Can be useful to toggle an element outside of the component you are developing.
<div class="js--toggle-content" data-toggle-content="hide">
<button class="btn js--toggle-click">Toggle content<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xml:space="preserve" style="enable-background:new 0 0 1603 652" viewBox="0 0 1603 652"><path d="M801 652c-19.6 0-39.1-5.5-56.3-16.4l-696-442c-49-31.1-63.4-96-32.3-144.9 31.1-49 96-63.4 144.9-32.3l639.8 406.3 640.7-406.3c49-31.1 113.8-16.5 144.9 32.4 31.1 49 16.5 113.8-32.4 144.9l-697 442C840.1 646.6 820.5 652 801 652z"/></svg></button>
<p class="js--toggle">Here is a superb paragraph to toggle.</p>
<div class="js--toggle-content" data-toggle-content="hide">
<button class="btn js--toggle-click">Toggle content<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xml:space="preserve" style="enable-background:new 0 0 1603 652" viewBox="0 0 1603 652"><path d="M801 652c-19.6 0-39.1-5.5-56.3-16.4l-696-442c-49-31.1-63.4-96-32.3-144.9 31.1-49 96-63.4 144.9-32.3l639.8 406.3 640.7-406.3c49-31.1 113.8-16.5 144.9 32.4 31.1 49 16.5 113.8-32.4 144.9l-697 442C840.1 646.6 820.5 652 801 652z"/></svg></button>
<p class="js--toggle">Here is a superb paragraph to toggle.</p>
<div class="js--toggle-content" data-toggle-content="hide">
<button class="btn js--toggle-click">Toggle content<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xml:space="preserve" style="enable-background:new 0 0 1603 652" viewBox="0 0 1603 652"><path d="M801 652c-19.6 0-39.1-5.5-56.3-16.4l-696-442c-49-31.1-63.4-96-32.3-144.9 31.1-49 96-63.4 144.9-32.3l639.8 406.3 640.7-406.3c49-31.1 113.8-16.5 144.9 32.4 31.1 49 16.5 113.8-32.4 144.9l-697 442C840.1 646.6 820.5 652 801 652z"/></svg></button>
<p class="js--toggle">Here is a superb paragraph to toggle.</p>
Here is a superb paragraph to toggle.
Here is a superb paragraph to toggle.
Here is a superb paragraph to toggle.
Adding the ‘data-toggle-content=”hide”‘ on the class ‘js–toggle-content’ will automatically hide every other items before showing the item you clicked on. This will only work without the parameter ‘data-toggle’ on each item.
<div class="js--countdown" data-date="Dec 31 2025 24:00:00">
<div class="counter">
<span class="value" data-days>0</span>
<span class="suffix">Days</span>
<div class="counter">
<span class="value" data-hours>0</span>
<span class="suffix">Hours</span>
<div class="counter">
<span class="value" data-minutes>0</span>
<span class="suffix">Mins</span>
<div class="counter">
<span class="value" data-seconds>0</span>
<span class="suffix">Secs</span>
Adding this html with the correct parameter “data-date” will create a countdown with days, hours, minutes and seconds until the specific date.
<a href="https://jeremielb.me/wp-content/themes/custom/img/placeholder.jpg">
<img class='c--image' src='https://jeremielb.me/wp-content/themes/custom/img/placeholder.jpg'>
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Scxs7L0vhZ4&ab_channel=MortenRustad">
<img class='c--image' src='https://jeremielb.me/wp-content/themes/custom/img/placeholder.jpg'>
<div class="row">
<div class="col col-md-8 col-24">
<a href="https://jeremielb.me/wp-content/themes/custom/img/placeholder.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery">
<img class='c--image' src='https://jeremielb.me/wp-content/themes/custom/img/placeholder.jpg'>
<div class="col col-md-8 col-24">
<a href="https://jeremielb.me/wp-content/themes/custom/img/placeholder.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery">
<img class='c--image' src='https://jeremielb.me/wp-content/themes/custom/img/placeholder.jpg'>
<div class="col col-md-8 col-24">
<a href="https://jeremielb.me/wp-content/themes/custom/img/placeholder.jpg" data-fancybox="gallery">
<img class='c--image' src='https://jeremielb.me/wp-content/themes/custom/img/placeholder.jpg'>
<button class="btn" data-fancybox data-src="https://www.google.com/maps/place/Montreal,+QC/@45.5259455,-73.6575727,11.67z">Google Map</button>
<button class="btn" data-fancybox data-type="iframe" data-src="https://www.w3.org">Iframe</button>
<button class="btn" data-fancybox data-src="#iframe-fancybox">Iframe</button>
<div id="iframe-fancybox" style="display:none;">
<h2>Title Iframe</h2>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ab, eligendi vero! Possimus, iure, facere est esse dolorum, quod necessitatibus eligendi ullam sit nemo aspernatur ducimus excepturi aut deserunt autem! Perferendis.</p>
Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ab, eligendi vero! Possimus, iure, facere est esse dolorum, quod necessitatibus eligendi ullam sit nemo aspernatur ducimus excepturi aut deserunt autem! Perferendis.
<button type="button" data-filter="all">All</button>
<button type="button" data-filter=".category-a">Category A</button>
<button type="button" data-filter=".category-b">Category B</button>
<button type="button" data-filter=".category-c">Category C</button>
<div class="container">
<div class="mix category-a" data-order="1"></div>
<div class="mix category-b" data-order="2"></div>
<div class="mix category-b category-c" data-order="3"></div>
<div class="mix category-a category-d" data-order="4"></div>
Box 1
Box 2
Box 3
Box 4
<div class="c--form">
<select name="cars" class="js--select">
<option value="volvo">Volvo</option>
<option value="saab">Saab</option>
<option value="mercedes">Mercedes</option>
<option value="audi">Audi</option>
By adding the class ‘js–select’ to a select html tag will make a change the original select for a custom select and dropdown layout.
<div class="c--form">
<div class="c--input">
<input id="input-id-1" type="text">
<label for="input-id-1">Placeholder text</label>
<div class="c--form">
<div class="c--input">
<textarea id="input-id-1"></textarea>
<label for="input-id-1">Placeholder text</label>
While using the class “c–input” and the input/label within, there will be a class “active” added to the component while focusing on the input and a class “not-empty” when there is content within the input.
<div class="c--hamburger-menu js--header-height" aria-label="Open menu" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="c--toggle-hamburger-menu">
<div class="content-icon">
<div class="content-rotate">
<div class="border-icon"></div>
<div class="border-icon"></div>
<div class="border-icon"></div>
<div class="border-icon"></div>
<div class="content-animate"></div>
Clickable element that will toggle the “c–toggle-hamburger-menu” when clicked.
<div id="c--toggle-hamburger-menu" class="c--toggle-hamburger-menu">
<!-- Content Here -->
Content that will be toggled while “c–hamburger-menu” is clicked on, hidden by default.
<div class="js--header-height"></div>
By adding the class ‘js–header-height’ to a div, the div will have the exact height of the header “block–header”.
<div class="c--back-to-top" data-scroll-to="top">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 319.9 379.3"><path d="M310.3 128.5L180.1 8l-.1-.1-.3-.3c-.2-.1-.3-.3-.5-.4-.1-.1-.2-.1-.3-.2-.1-.1-.2-.2-.4-.3-.2-.2-.4-.3-.6-.5l-.2-.2c-.1-.1-.2-.2-.4-.3-.2-.2-.4-.3-.6-.4-.1 0-.1-.1-.2-.1-.1-.1-.3-.2-.4-.2-.2-.1-.4-.3-.7-.4-.1 0-.1-.1-.2-.1-.1-.1-.3-.2-.4-.2-.1-.1-.3-.2-.4-.2-.2-.1-.3-.2-.5-.3-.1-.1-.3-.1-.4-.2-.2-.1-.5-.3-.7-.4-.1 0-.1-.1-.2-.1-.1-.1-.3-.1-.4-.2-.3-.1-.5-.2-.8-.3 0 0-.1 0-.1-.1-.2-.1-.3-.1-.5-.2s-.5-.2-.7-.3c-.2-.1-.4-.2-.6-.2-.2-.1-.5-.2-.7-.2-.2-.1-.5-.1-.7-.2-.2-.1-.4-.1-.7-.2-.2-.1-.5-.1-.7-.2-.2-.1-.4-.1-.7-.2-.2-.1-.5-.1-.7-.2-.2 0-.5-.1-.7-.1-.2 0-.5-.1-.7-.1-.3 0-.5-.1-.8-.1-.2 0-.4-.1-.7-.1-.3 0-.6 0-.9-.1h-.5-3.5c-.3 0-.6 0-.9.1-.2 0-.4.1-.7.1-.2 0-.5.1-.7.1-.2 0-.5.1-.7.1-.2 0-.4.1-.7.1-.3 0-.5.1-.8.2-.2 0-.4.1-.6.1-.2.1-.5.1-.7.2-.2.1-.4.1-.6.2-.2.1-.5.1-.7.2-.2.1-.4.1-.7.2-.2.1-.3.1-.5.2h-.1-.1c-.2.1-.5.2-.7.3-.2.1-.3.1-.5.2-.1 0-.1.1-.2.1-.2.1-.5.2-.7.3-.2.1-.3.1-.5.2-.1 0-.1.1-.2.1-.2.1-.4.2-.7.3-.1.1-.3.2-.4.2-.3.2-.6.3-.8.5-.1.1-.3.2-.4.3-.1 0-.1.1-.2.1-.2.1-.4.3-.7.4-.1.1-.3.2-.4.3-.1 0-.1.1-.2.1-.2.1-.4.3-.6.5-.1.1-.2.2-.4.3l-.2.2c-.2.1-.4.3-.6.5-.1.1-.2.2-.4.3-.1.1-.2.1-.3.2-.2.1-.3.3-.5.4l-.3.3-.1.1L9.6 128.5C-2.6 139.8-3.3 158.8 8 170.9c11.3 12.1 30.3 12.8 42.4 1.6l79.3-73.6v250.5c0 16.6 13.4 30 30 30s30-13.4 30-30V98.6l79.8 73.9c12.2 11.3 31.1 10.5 42.4-1.6 11.3-12.2 10.5-31.2-1.6-42.4z"/></svg>
If the component “c–back-to-top” is added to the page, this component will be shown scrolling paste a certain amount of pixels, so that the user will be able to click on it to scroll back to the top of the page.
The class “state–header-down” will be added to the body when the user scroll down, that class will be removed as the user scrolls up.
<img class="lazy" src="img-small.jpg" data-src="img-big.jpg">
<div class="js--menu-follow" data-list-elements=".class-element-follow"></div>
The class “js–menu-follow” will trigger the component to initiate. Adding the “data-list-elements” will search for this selector and make a list of items with that selector.
<div class="class-element-follow" data-element-menu-follow-text="Title Element Follow"></div>
This element only works in combination with the main component “js–menu-follow” and using the same class listed in the “data-list-elements”. This will make an item within the main component and automatically scroll to that element. The value of the “data-element-menu-follow-text” will be used as title for that item. There can be as many of these as you want.
Modernizr is a javascript library that tells you what Html, Css and javascript features the user’s browser has to offer.
For example, if the “touchevents” feature is supported or not, the class “touchevents” or “no-touchevents” class will be added to the html tag.
<button data-scroll-to=".class-to-scroll">Scroll to Element</button>
Adding “data-scroll-to” with a selector inside will make the element clickable and scroll to the element.
<button data-scroll-to="top">Scroll Top</button>
Adding the value “top” will scroll the user to the top of the page.
<button data-scroll-to="bottom">Scroll Bottom</button>
Adding the value “bottom” will scroll the user to the bottom of the page.
<button data-scroll-to>Scroll to Next Block</button>
Adding the value to none or if the class/id element is not found, it will scroll to the next “.block” and has to be used within a “.block” in order to work.
*Can be useful in some hero banner to automatically scroll to the next section.
<div class="swiper js--slider">
<div class="swiper-wrapper">
<div class="swiper-slide">
<div class="content-preview-slide">
<h3>Swiper Slide 1</h3>
<p>Maecenas eget vehicula tortor. Curabitur facilisis, odio vitae auctor sagittis, nisi nisl ultricies quam, hendrerit congue nulla mauris quis nisl. Integer maximus varius orci, vel luctus arcu cursus.</p>
<div class="swiper-slide">
<div class="content-preview-slide">
<h3>Swiper Slide 2</h3>
<p>Maecenas eget vehicula tortor. Curabitur facilisis, odio vitae auctor sagittis, nisi nisl ultricies quam, hendrerit congue nulla mauris quis nisl. Integer maximus varius orci, vel luctus arcu cursus.</p>
<div class="swiper-slide">
<div class="content-preview-slide">
<h3>Swiper Slide 3</h3>
<p>Maecenas eget vehicula tortor. Curabitur facilisis, odio vitae auctor sagittis, nisi nisl ultricies quam, hendrerit congue nulla mauris quis nisl. Integer maximus varius orci, vel luctus arcu cursus.</p>
<div class="swiper-button-prev">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 604 1088"><path d="M459.1 544L17.6 985.6c-23.4 23.4-23.4 61.4 0 84.9 23.4 23.4 61.4 23.4 84.9 0l484-484c23.4-23.4 23.4-61.4 0-84.9l-484-484C90.7 5.9 75.4 0 60 0S29.3 5.9 17.6 17.6C-5.9 41-5.9 79 17.6 102.4L459.1 544z"/></svg>
<div class="swiper-button-next">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 604 1088"><path d="M459.1 544L17.6 985.6c-23.4 23.4-23.4 61.4 0 84.9 23.4 23.4 61.4 23.4 84.9 0l484-484c23.4-23.4 23.4-61.4 0-84.9l-484-484C90.7 5.9 75.4 0 60 0S29.3 5.9 17.6 17.6C-5.9 41-5.9 79 17.6 102.4L459.1 544z"/></svg>
<div class="swiper-pagination"></div>
<div class="swiper-scrollbar"></div>
Maecenas eget vehicula tortor. Curabitur facilisis, odio vitae auctor sagittis, nisi nisl ultricies quam, hendrerit congue nulla mauris quis nisl. Integer maximus varius orci, vel luctus arcu cursus.
Maecenas eget vehicula tortor. Curabitur facilisis, odio vitae auctor sagittis, nisi nisl ultricies quam, hendrerit congue nulla mauris quis nisl. Integer maximus varius orci, vel luctus arcu cursus.
Maecenas eget vehicula tortor. Curabitur facilisis, odio vitae auctor sagittis, nisi nisl ultricies quam, hendrerit congue nulla mauris quis nisl. Integer maximus varius orci, vel luctus arcu cursus.
This example is the whole structure with the pagination, navigation and scrollbar. Adding this html example structure will automatically add the slider and the content within each “swiper-slide” can be modified.
<div class="swiper js--slider-2-frames">
<div class="swiper-wrapper">
<div class="swiper-slide">
<div class="content-preview-slide">
<h3>Swiper Slide 1</h3>
<p>Maecenas eget vehicula tortor. Curabitur facilisis, odio vitae auctor sagittis, nisi nisl ultricies quam, hendrerit congue nulla mauris quis nisl. Integer maximus varius orci, vel luctus arcu cursus.</p>
<div class="swiper-slide">
<div class="content-preview-slide">
<h3>Swiper Slide 2</h3>
<p>Maecenas eget vehicula tortor. Curabitur facilisis, odio vitae auctor sagittis, nisi nisl ultricies quam, hendrerit congue nulla mauris quis nisl. Integer maximus varius orci, vel luctus arcu cursus.</p>
<div class="swiper-slide">
<div class="content-preview-slide">
<h3>Swiper Slide 3</h3>
<p>Maecenas eget vehicula tortor. Curabitur facilisis, odio vitae auctor sagittis, nisi nisl ultricies quam, hendrerit congue nulla mauris quis nisl. Integer maximus varius orci, vel luctus arcu cursus.</p>
<div class="swiper-button-prev">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 604 1088"><path d="M459.1 544L17.6 985.6c-23.4 23.4-23.4 61.4 0 84.9 23.4 23.4 61.4 23.4 84.9 0l484-484c23.4-23.4 23.4-61.4 0-84.9l-484-484C90.7 5.9 75.4 0 60 0S29.3 5.9 17.6 17.6C-5.9 41-5.9 79 17.6 102.4L459.1 544z"/></svg>
<div class="swiper-button-next">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 604 1088"><path d="M459.1 544L17.6 985.6c-23.4 23.4-23.4 61.4 0 84.9 23.4 23.4 61.4 23.4 84.9 0l484-484c23.4-23.4 23.4-61.4 0-84.9l-484-484C90.7 5.9 75.4 0 60 0S29.3 5.9 17.6 17.6C-5.9 41-5.9 79 17.6 102.4L459.1 544z"/></svg>
<div class="swiper-pagination"></div>
<div class="swiper-scrollbar"></div>
Maecenas eget vehicula tortor. Curabitur facilisis, odio vitae auctor sagittis, nisi nisl ultricies quam, hendrerit congue nulla mauris quis nisl. Integer maximus varius orci, vel luctus arcu cursus.
Maecenas eget vehicula tortor. Curabitur facilisis, odio vitae auctor sagittis, nisi nisl ultricies quam, hendrerit congue nulla mauris quis nisl. Integer maximus varius orci, vel luctus arcu cursus.
Maecenas eget vehicula tortor. Curabitur facilisis, odio vitae auctor sagittis, nisi nisl ultricies quam, hendrerit congue nulla mauris quis nisl. Integer maximus varius orci, vel luctus arcu cursus.
This example has 2 frames.
<div class="swiper js--slider-3-frames">
<div class="swiper-wrapper">
<div class="swiper-slide">
<div class="content-preview-slide">
<h3>Swiper Slide 1</h3>
<p>Maecenas eget vehicula tortor. Curabitur facilisis, odio vitae auctor sagittis, nisi nisl ultricies quam, hendrerit congue nulla mauris quis nisl. Integer maximus varius orci, vel luctus arcu cursus.</p>
<div class="swiper-slide">
<div class="content-preview-slide">
<h3>Swiper Slide 2</h3>
<p>Maecenas eget vehicula tortor. Curabitur facilisis, odio vitae auctor sagittis, nisi nisl ultricies quam, hendrerit congue nulla mauris quis nisl. Integer maximus varius orci, vel luctus arcu cursus.</p>
<div class="swiper-slide">
<div class="content-preview-slide">
<h3>Swiper Slide 3</h3>
<p>Maecenas eget vehicula tortor. Curabitur facilisis, odio vitae auctor sagittis, nisi nisl ultricies quam, hendrerit congue nulla mauris quis nisl. Integer maximus varius orci, vel luctus arcu cursus.</p>
<div class="swiper-slide">
<div class="content-preview-slide">
<h3>Swiper Slide 4</h3>
<p>Maecenas eget vehicula tortor. Curabitur facilisis, odio vitae auctor sagittis, nisi nisl ultricies quam, hendrerit congue nulla mauris quis nisl. Integer maximus varius orci, vel luctus arcu cursus.</p>
<div class="swiper-slide">
<div class="content-preview-slide">
<h3>Swiper Slide 5</h3>
<p>Maecenas eget vehicula tortor. Curabitur facilisis, odio vitae auctor sagittis, nisi nisl ultricies quam, hendrerit congue nulla mauris quis nisl. Integer maximus varius orci, vel luctus arcu cursus.</p>
<div class="swiper-button-prev">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 604 1088"><path d="M459.1 544L17.6 985.6c-23.4 23.4-23.4 61.4 0 84.9 23.4 23.4 61.4 23.4 84.9 0l484-484c23.4-23.4 23.4-61.4 0-84.9l-484-484C90.7 5.9 75.4 0 60 0S29.3 5.9 17.6 17.6C-5.9 41-5.9 79 17.6 102.4L459.1 544z"/></svg>
<div class="swiper-button-next">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 604 1088"><path d="M459.1 544L17.6 985.6c-23.4 23.4-23.4 61.4 0 84.9 23.4 23.4 61.4 23.4 84.9 0l484-484c23.4-23.4 23.4-61.4 0-84.9l-484-484C90.7 5.9 75.4 0 60 0S29.3 5.9 17.6 17.6C-5.9 41-5.9 79 17.6 102.4L459.1 544z"/></svg>
<div class="swiper-pagination"></div>
<div class="swiper-scrollbar"></div>
Maecenas eget vehicula tortor. Curabitur facilisis, odio vitae auctor sagittis, nisi nisl ultricies quam, hendrerit congue nulla mauris quis nisl. Integer maximus varius orci, vel luctus arcu cursus.
Maecenas eget vehicula tortor. Curabitur facilisis, odio vitae auctor sagittis, nisi nisl ultricies quam, hendrerit congue nulla mauris quis nisl. Integer maximus varius orci, vel luctus arcu cursus.
Maecenas eget vehicula tortor. Curabitur facilisis, odio vitae auctor sagittis, nisi nisl ultricies quam, hendrerit congue nulla mauris quis nisl. Integer maximus varius orci, vel luctus arcu cursus.
Maecenas eget vehicula tortor. Curabitur facilisis, odio vitae auctor sagittis, nisi nisl ultricies quam, hendrerit congue nulla mauris quis nisl. Integer maximus varius orci, vel luctus arcu cursus.
Maecenas eget vehicula tortor. Curabitur facilisis, odio vitae auctor sagittis, nisi nisl ultricies quam, hendrerit congue nulla mauris quis nisl. Integer maximus varius orci, vel luctus arcu cursus.
This example has 3 frames.
Add the class “scroll-active” while active.
Add the class “scroll-active” while active.
Add the class “scroll-active” while active.
Add the class “scroll-active” while active.
Add the class “scroll-active” while active.
Add the class “scroll-active” while active.
<div class="js--parallax-x" data-parallax-x="50"></div>
<div class="js--parallax-x-enter" data-parallax-x="50"></div>
<div class="js--parallax-y" data-parallax-y="50"></div>
<div class="js--parallax-y-enter" data-parallax-y="50"></div>
<div class="js--parallax-scale" data-parallax-scale="0.6"></div>
<div class="js--parallax-scale-enter" data-parallax-scale="0.6"></div>
Add the class “scroll-active” while active.
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